Sunday, May 22, 2011

What is the "Best" Workout Plan

People often ask me what the “best” workout plan is. How much cardio should I do? How many days a week should I lift weights? What exercises should I do? While these are all great questions, there is no single answer. Exercise plans should be developed with your specific goals in mind.

That being said, many people do have very similar goals. They would like to drop a few pounds, look lean and defined, and improve their overall health and wellness. Women typically would like to focus on their hips and thighs while men want to decrease their waist measurement and add some muscle to their upper body. They may also want to improve their 5k time or their golf or tennis game, but these are secondary to physique and health improvements.

For these people with general fitness goals, I suggest resistance training three days per week with two added sessions of cardiovascular training, one long and slow and one interval style. A sample workout plan might look like this:

Monday - Gym workout consisting of joint mobility work, resistance training with an upper body focus, metabolic conditioning, and a cool down of static stretching

Joint Mobility

A1) Shoulder Rotations with Mini-band – 2 x 16, 5-0-5 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A2) Lying External Rotation, Arm Adducted – 2 x 15, 2-0-2 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A3) Lying Side Abduction – 2 x 15, 2-0-2 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A4) Semi-supinated Standing DB Overhead Press – 2 x 20, 2-0-2 tempo, 60 seconds rest

Resistance Training, Upper Body Focus


A1) Negative Only Chin-ups – 3 x 3, 10 -0-0 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A2) Underhand Grip Pull-down – 3 x 8-10, 5-0-5 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A3) 30 Degree Semi-supinated DB Press – 3 x 8, 5-0-1 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A4) Rope Push-downs – 3 x 12, 3-3-1 tempo, 90 seconds rest

B1) Incline DB Curl – 2 x 20, 2-0-2 tempo, 10 seconds rest

B2) Standing Barbell French Press – 2 x 20, 2-0-2, 90 seconds rest


A) Parallel Grip Pull-ups – 3 x AMRAP, 3-0-1 tempo, 30 seconds rest

B) Lat Stretch – 1 x 30 seconds each arm, 3 minutes rest

C) Incline DB Press – 3 x AMRAP, 5-0-1 tempo, 30 seconds rest

D) Pec Stretch – 1 x 30 seconds, 3 minutes rest

E) Wide, Pronated Chest Supported Rows – 3 x AMRAP, 3-2-1 tempo, 30 seconds rest

F) Shoulder Stretch – 1 x 30 seconds, 3 minutes rest

Metabolic Conditioning

A1) Push-up Position Ladder Walks – 3 x 3 trips, 10 seconds rest

A2) Plank Push-ups – 3 x 10 each side, 10 seconds rest

A3) Sprinter Sit-ups – 3 x 20 each side, 10 seconds rest

A4) Jump Rope – 3 x 120 seconds, 60 seconds rest

Cool down with five to ten minutes of static stretching, focusing on chest, lats, and triceps.

Tuesday - Interval cardiovascular training for 10-30 minutes, preferably outdoors

Hill Sprints - Run the infamous "Kuzora Hill" near the Jelly Beans on Common Oaks Drive. If you live close by, walk to the hill as a warm-up, then run from fire hydrant to fire hydrant at 60% of maximum effort. Walk back down and repeat at 80% of maximum effort. Walk down again and do one to eight more hill sprints at 90% - 100% of maximum effort, depending on your fitness level.

Wednesday - OFF

Thursday - Gym workout consisting of joint mobility work, resistance training with a lower body focus, metabolic conditioning, and a cool down of static stretching

Joint Mobility

A1) Reverse Hyper Extensions - 2 x 30, 10 seconds rest

A2) Hip Circles - 2 x 20 each leg each direction, 10 seconds rest

A3) Turkish Get-ups - 2 x 1 each side, 10 seconds rest

A4) Overhead Squats - 2 x 10, 90 seconds rest

Resistance Training, Lower Body and Torso

A1) Trap Bar Deadlift – 3 x 5, 3-0-1, 10 seconds rest

A2) Ball Crunch – 3 x 10, 1-0-10 tempo, 90 seconds rest

B1) Twelve Inch Step-up – 3 x 15 each leg, 10 seconds rest

B2) Blast Strap Ab Fall-outs – 3 x 6, 3-3-1 tempo, 90 seconds rest

C) Six Inch Box Squat Jumps – 3 x AMRAP, x-x-x tempo, 30 seconds rest

Metabolic Conditioning

A) Prowler Shuttle Runs - 2 x 120 yards, alternating high and low handles every 10 yards, 5 minutes rest. Choose a weight that allows you to complete the 120 yards in about three minutes.

Cool down with five to ten minutes of static stretching, focusing on hip flexors, hamstrings, and glutes.

Friday - Easy, long duration cardiovascular work for 60 minutes or more, preferably outdoors

Walk, bike, jog, roller blade, or hike outside for at least 60 minutes at a slow enough pace that you could do it forever.

Saturday - Gym workout consisting of joint mobility work, resistance training with a whole body focus, and a cool down of static stretching

Joint Mobility

A1) Shoulder Rotations with Mini-band - 2 x 10, 10 seconds rest

A2) Push-ups - 2 x 15, 10 seconds rest

A3) Side to Side Leg Swings - 2 x 10 each leg, 10 seconds rest

A4) Javorek Special Good Mornings - 2 x 6, 60 seconds rest

Resistance Training, Whole Body

A1) Dips - 5 x 10, 3-2-1 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A2) Alternating Front Lunge - 5 x 6 each leg, 3-0-1 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A3) Parallel Grip Pull-ups - 5 x 12, 5-0-1 tempo, 10 seconds rest

A4) Double Kettlebell Front Squat - 5 x 10, 3-2-1 tempo, 2 minutes rest

Use assistance or added resistance on the dips and pull-ups as needed. Cool down with five to ten minutes of static stretching.

Sunday - OFF

NOTE: EVERYTHING SHOULD BE VARIED! Exercises, repetition tempo and number, and rest intervals should be changed every three to eight weeks.

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